News Piccollino LED and Proton T265 from Edision !

Piccollino LED and Proton T265 from Edision !

Piccollino LED and Proton T265 from Edision !

New Arrivals from Edision ! Piccollino LED and PROTON T265

We are glad to inform you that Edision comes with 2 new models from their portfolio !

Edision Piccollino LED is small base DVB-S2 model very similar with Edision Progressiv Nano plus LED. Generaly base seems to be same only with 1 difference - 2x USB Slot. Reason why Edision Piccollino LED have 2x USB is possibility to connect External Wifi dongle (dvbmarket offering for less then 4€) and 1 USB slot will be free for memory device.

Why is Piccollino LED more expensive then Nano Plus LED when Nano Plus LED have Wifi on board and in this case offering better confort for end user ?

Edision Piccollino LED have more in compare with cheaper Nano Plus LED:

1x Ethernet port (LAN) , 1x USB, Faster CPU , OSD Menu like very popular model with CI Slot - Piccollo 3in + CI and more expensive remote controll unit.

Proton T265 is new small base T2/C HD Receiver which is able to receive FTA channels in H265, that should be very interesting for customers those countries switched to this norm ! Edision Proton T 265 have also FTA Cable tuner and in this case we are talking about reliable T2/C receiver focused on specific markets, mainly in Europe.

Don´t hesitate to contact us for any information or feel free to place the order via E-shop !


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